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Name:The 25th Women in Nuclear Global Annual Conference
Theme: Women Nuclear Cooperation Harmony
大会主题:女性 核能 合作 和谐
Date: August 28th --- September 1st, 2017 Beijing, China
大会时间:2017年8月28日— 9月1日
Venue: China National Convention Center, Beijing, China
Hosted By: Chinese Nuclear Society (CNS)
In Cooperation with State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC)
State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC)
WiN GLOBAL 世界核妇女组织
Founded in 1993, WiN Global is a not-for-profit global organization which supports and encourages women working in the nuclear field throughout the world, particularly in energy, medicine and health care, food and agriculture, other radiation applications, regulations and independent research. WiN Global aims to promote the understanding and public awareness of the benefits of nuclear and radiation applications through a series of active networks on a national, regional and international level.

WiN Global currently has around 35,000 members of mainly female nuclear professionals including chapters’ members and individuals from 109 countries, regions and international, and is still growing. It also aims to raise awareness of the safety measures to ensure protection of the public and the environment, thereby enhancing the quality of life.
CNS 中国核学会
The Chinese Nuclear Society (hereafter referred to as“CNS”) was established in 1980. It is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to nuclear science, technology and engineering. The CNS has three main objectives, including undertake scientific and technical exchange, engage in public communication, enhance international cooperation.

CNS has 25 Technical Divisions, 22 Provincial Branches and 7 committees which carrying our specified functions of the Society. CNS has about 9500 individual members and 135 organization members. They are from government, enterprise, institute and university.
SPIC 国家电力投资集团公司
SPIC was established in May 2015 through the merger of China Power Investment Corporation and State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC).
SPIC is one of China's top five power generators, and an integrated energy group with power as its core. It has a total installed capacity of 117 GW, with clean energy accounting for 43.08% of the total, demonstrating a distinctive clean development feature.
Being one of China's three nuclear power developers and operators, SPIC owns a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs) under construction or operation, such as Hongyanhe NPP in Liaoning Province, and Haiyang and Rongcheng NPPs in Shandong Province.
SPIC has been a Fortune Global 500 company for five consecutive years, ranking 342nd in 2016. It acquired A-grade ratings from international credit rating agencies such as Moody's, Fitch and S&P.
SPIC is committed to global businesses. It has presence in 36 countries (regions) such as Japan, Australia, Malta, India, Turkey, Pakistan, Brazil and Myanmar, with businesses covering power project investment, technical cooperation, EPC, etc. SPIC has 1,262 MW of controllable projects under operation and 10,050 MW under construction.
SNPTC 国家核电技术公司
Founded in May, 2007, SNPTC, now a SPIC Group Company, is a leading GEN III nuclear power technology developer, an NPP EPC contractor and lifetime services supplier with nearly 13,000 employees.
SNPTC is committed to integrating top strengths in nuclear power industry to develop Chinese GEN III technology based on 40-year experience of NPP R&D, construction & operation, and the introduction and innovation of AP1000 technology, and promoting the establishment of GEN III nuclear power industrial chain.
SNPTC has successfully developed CAP1400 with independent intellectual property rights,the largest passive PWR in the world and two CAP1400 units will be built in Rongcheng, Shandong Province. SNPTC is promoting the construction of world’s first batch of AP1000 units in China as EPC contractor and completed the localization & standardization of AP1000. CAP1400 and localized & standardized AP1000 have become the main choices for a new round of nuclear power development in China.
PANEL 1: The Charm of Nuclear
Deputy Director of the Division of Nuclear Affairs and International Organizations of the Department of International Cooperation, CAEA.
Irene Aegerter
President of the Association
CHENG Xiaohong
Associate Vice President, International Cooperation State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation, China
GAO Meixu
Associate Professor, Institute of Agro-Products Processing Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).
President WiN Turkey; Black Sea medallist; Consultant.
Professor, Head of the Materials Research Center in the Institute of Modern physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
PANEL 2: Nuclear Safety
YU Qun
Director of Safety and Quality Assurance Department, Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (HNPC), China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)
Eva Gyane
Specialist, Import and Export, Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
PAN Rong
Director, Division of Plant Siting and Civil Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection, People’s Republic of China
MAO Yawei
Senior Engineer, Director of Reactor Engineering Department, China Nuclear Engineering Co.LTD. (CNPE)
Ana Claudia Raffo-Caiado
Director of the Division of Programme Support and Coordination in the Department of Technical Cooperation, at the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Jasmin Craufurd Hill
Director - Mind Blank, WiN Australia & the Institute for Regional Security.
PANEL 3: Women in Nuclear
National senior HR Professional, Professor of Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics
Yeonhee Hah
Head of the Division of Radiological Protection &Human Aspects of Nuclear Safety (HANS) of the NEA.
Senior Reactor Operator, Shandong Nuclear Power Company, China.
XIA Hong
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, PhD. Supervisor,Dean of College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University.
Margret Mkhosi
WiN-Global Executive for Africa Region;Ambassador for Clean Energy Education & Empowerment.
PANEL 4: Nuclear Cooperation
HUANG Guofang
Deputy General Manager of International Department of State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), China.
Agneta Rising
Director General of the World Nuclear Association.
GAO Puzhen
PhD Supervisor, Vice Dean and Professor of Nuclear Engineering, at the College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University (HEU).
SHEN Xiaoyan
Professor of Physics, Deputy Director of Experimental Physics Division, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Denis Janin
President of International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC);
Portfolio Manager of Energy Economics, Preussen Elektra GmbH, Hannover, Germany.
Courtney Boone
Vice President,Communications Westinghouse Electric Company
PANEL 5: Harmony in Nuclear
XING Yuxiang
Associate Professor of Department of Engineering Physics in Tsinghua University, Executive Council Member of Chinese Society for Stereology.
Tessie George
Scientific Officer, with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, India’s premier institute for nuclear research under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
Heather Kleb
President of Women in Nuclear-Canada and the newly elected Vice-President of Women in Nuclear-Global; Senior Program Manager in the regulatory affairs program at Bruce Power.
LAN Xiaoli
Chairperson, Professor and Chief Physician of Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET Center, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Vice-chairman of Young Professional Committee of Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine.
LIN Mingzhao
President of Labor Union, State Power Investment Corporation, Beijing, China.
大 会 日 程(草案)

Day 1: Monday, August 28th, 2017
Venue: China National Convention Center / SNPTC

Time Program
12:00–21:00 Conference Registration
(Ground Floor of CNCC)
09:00–15:00 The Great Wall
(Optional– Non-WiN Executive & Board member)
09:00–11:00 WiN Global Executive & Board Meeting (SNPTC)
11:00–11:40 Lunch
11:40–17:00 The Great Wall
(Optional – WiN Executives & Board members)

地点: 国家会议中心/国家核电本部

时间 会议日程
12:00–21:00 大会报到注册
09:00–15:00 游览长城
(非WiN Global执委、理事–自选)
09:00–11:00 WiN Global执委会&理事会
11:00–11:40 午餐
11:40–17:00 游览长城
(WiN Global执委、理事–自选)

Day 2: Tuesday, August 29th, 2017
Venue: China National Convention Center

Time Program
07:30–16:00 Conference Registration
(Third Floor of CNCC)
08:30-08:50 Meet and Greet
08:50-09:00 VIP Guest Entrance
09:00-09:05 Welcome to 2017 Beijing WiN Global Annual Conference
09:05-09:10 Chinese Women in Nuclear Video
09:10-09:17 Opening Remarks by Ms. SONG Xiuyan
09:17-10:10 Remarks by Mr.WANG Yiren, Ms. WU Haiying, Ms. Mary Alice Hayward, Mr. LI Guanxing, Ms. Gabriele Voigt, Mr. WANG Binghua
10:10–11:00 Group Photo & Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Chapter Reports
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 Chapter Reports
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 WiN Global General Assembly
17:00-17:20 Introduction to Poster Vote Rules
17:20-18:00 Posters Exhibition
19:00-19:30 Welcome Drinks
19:30 Gala Dinner
2017 WiN Awards Ceremony

地点: 国家会议中心

时间 会议日程
07:30–16:00 大会持续报到注册
08:30–08:50 与会代表会面互致问候
08:50-09:00 VIP嘉宾入场
09:00-09:05 宣布大会开幕
09:05–09:10 播放中国形象宣传片
09:10–09:17 宋秀岩致开幕辞
09:17–10:10 王毅韧、吴海鹰、Mary Alice Hayward、李冠兴、Gabriele Voigt、王炳华分别致辞;
10:10-11:00 集体合影、茶歇
11:00-12:30 分会报告
12:30-13:30 自助午餐
13:30-15:30 分会报告
15:30-16:00 茶歇
16:00-17:00 WiN Global全会
17:00-17:20 海报评选规则宣讲
17:20-18:00 参观海报展览
19:00-19:30 餐前招待
19:30 晚宴

Day 3: Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Venue: China National Convention Center

Time Program
08:30–08:40 Panel Sessions Opening
08:40-10:00 Panel Session 1- The Charm of Nuclear
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:30 Panel Session 2- Nuclear Safety
11:30-12:30 Panel Session 3- Women in Nuclear
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:40 Panel Session 4- Nuclear Cooperation
14:40-15:40 Panel Session 5- Harmony in Nuclear
15:40-15:50 Panel Session Conclusion
15:50-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-17:00 Closing Ceremony:
Poster Award
WiN Global Flag Passing Ceremony
Closing Remarks
17:00-17:50 Dinner
17:50-18:00 Gathering (Optional, Entrance C1 of CNCC)
18:00-19:30 Departure for the “Big Show”
19:30 Big Show (Optional)

地点: 国家会议中心

时间 会议日程
08:30–08:40 分论坛开幕
08:40-10:00 分论坛 1:核魅力
10:00-10:20 茶歇
10:20–11:30 分论坛 2:核安全
11:30–12:30 分论坛 3:核女性
12:30–13:30 自助午餐
13:30-14:40 分论坛 4:核合作
14:40-15:40 分论坛 5:核和谐
15:40-15:50 分论坛总结
15:50-16:10 茶歇
16:10-17:00 闭幕式:
WiN 旗帜交接 中国-阿根廷
17:00-17:50 自助晚餐
17:50–18:00 集合(自选,国家会议中心C1口)
18:00–19:30 出发观看文艺演出
19:30 文艺演出(自选)

Day 4: Thursday, August 31st, 2017
Optional Technical & Culture Tour
Venue: Beijing

Time Program
07:30–07:40 Gathering (Entrance C1 of CNCC)
07:40 – 08:50 Leave for The Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security (COE)
09:00–10:40 Technical Tour: COE
10:40–11:20 Lunch Break
11:20-12:30 Leave for CNCC or the Imperial Palace
12:30–15:00 Culture Tour: The Imperial Palace (Optional)
15:00–16:00 Leave for CNCC
16:20–16:30 Gathering (Entrance C1 of CNCC)
16:30–18:00 Leave for Beijing Capital International Airport
(Optional Technical Tour)
19:20–20:45 Beijing–Yantai / CA 1593
Night Stay in Yantai

地点: 北京

时间 会议日程
07:30–07:40 集合(国家会议中心C1口)
07:40–08:50 出发,前往核安保中心
09:00–10:40 技术参观:核安保中心
10:40–11:20 自助午餐
11:20–12:30 出发前往故宫或国家会议中心
12:30–15:00 文化参观:故宫(自选)
15:00 – 16:00 返回国家会议中心
16:20–16:30 集合(国家会议中心C1口)
16:30–18:00 前往首都国际机场
19:20–20:45 北京–烟台 / CA 1593
晚上 住宿国家电投烟台核电培训基地

Day 5: Friday, September 1st, 2017
Optional Technical Tour
Venue: Rongcheng/Haiyang, Shandong Province

Time Program
06:30–07:00 Breakfast
07:05–09:20 Yantai---CAP1400 Demonstration Project
09:20–10:30 Presentation and Site Tour
(CAP1400 Demonstration Project)
10:30-11:00 Presentation and Site Tour (High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGCR))
11:00–11:15 HTGCR --- Chishan Hotel
11:15–12:00 Lunch Break
12:05–14:10 Rongcheng---Haiyang
14:10–16:00 Presentation and Site Tour (AP1000 Project)
16:00–17:20 Haiyang---Qingdao
17:20 Qingdao Airport/Hotel – Trip Wrapped up

地点: 山东荣成/海阳

时间 会议日程
06:30–07:00 自助早餐
07:05–09:20 烟台核电培训基地---CAP1400示范工程现场
09:20–10:30 CAP1400示范工程项目介绍及现场参观
10:30–11:00 高温气冷堆项目介绍及现场参观
11:00–11:15 高温气冷堆项目现场---赤山大酒店
11:15–12:00 自助午餐
12:05–14:10 荣成 – 海阳
14:10–16:00 AP1000项目介绍及现场参观
16:00–17:20 海阳 – 青岛
17:20 抵达青岛机场/市内酒店 – 旅程圆满结束